One Sunday in April 2006 I wrote this: I can jog 10 kilometers without walking. I think I went 13 or 14 kilometers today. I blame the dog and the snowy northern wind for the fact that I had to walk up the hill at the airport. BMI is still 26.7 or somewhere between normal and overweight. BP is 112/74 right now, which means I quit worrying about that. Pulse is ridiculously low, 40 or something. Ergo: I am in great shape. I dare not think about how far I could run if my BMI was in the middle of the normal range. Seriously, I could run without walking cross the camping site, down the street by the hospital, over the bridge across the big river, to the south on the other side, the old road back over the rivers and then against the wind on the road along the hot water pipe. Across from the airport the dog was acting like crazy so I gave up running. Maybe I try running long distance without the dog next time.
Ten days later I wrote: It is so unbelievably beautiful here early in the morning. I jogged along with my dog south the old Main Street at half past six this morning. Walked up the hill above the Ice Skating Arena. It was completely wind still and the sun was trying to get through the clouds above the mountain on the other side of the fjord. The sea was like a mirror. The mountains still mostly covered in white snow and the trees getting greener every day. The rowan trees are almost green and the larches also, even if the birches don't let good weather early in the spring fool them to start out too early. They only have a slightly reddish beam. It is understandable that the Icelandic trees grow slowly since there is such a short time each year they got green leaves. Up on the hill, in south of the graveyard two whimbrels live. I remember seeing them at this same spot last year. They are pretty loud. Walk back and forth on this tiny peace of grass and sing their thrills.
And the first of April 2007 I wrote in my journal: In march I ran almost 200 kilometers and lost almost five kilos. Not bad. Not bad at all. Today is April the first, but I am not letting anyone be an April fool by saying this. And then... What should I do in April? I guess the goal should be to run 200 kilometers and loose another 5 kilos. Now I have measured exactly how long the distance is on the route I plan on running in the morning before work. This is the most important thing in my New Year's resolution. The preparation for me to be ABLE to participate in a whole marathon race. Sometimes during easter I might run the road in the country, the big cirkle and cross the bridge there. I think it is 32 kilometers. I don't promise I will run the whole way, but it could be interesting to see how it goes. I guess I have to practice drinking some enery drink while I am running. One has to practice drinking while running. I have hear of a wall marathon runners run into in their marathon races. It is somewhere in between 30 and 40 kilometers. In order to keep that wall low is necessary to consume some energy on the way. To bad for me that I think people with bottles in their hands while jogging or power walking look pretty silly.
Three weeks later:
I was afraid that my left ankle was sending signs of me putting too much strain on my body. That all this running was too much. That I had developed a training injury. Because yesterday my ankle felt as if I had stepped wrong on high heels, without that happening in fact. So, yesterday I didn't run although I went for a long walk without any problems whatsoever. Today I decided to try. I put on nice warm and woolen ankle warmers and avoided rock hard surfaces like concrete. The walking paths in woods are soft and nice now. It was very obvious that when I had warmed up, the uncomfort disappeared and hasn't bothered me since. I hope that will do the trick.
But the summer doesn't always follow spring: The first day after Easter I wrote: First day at work. I feel dizzy. To do list is down half of my computer screen. Coworker is at home with a sick child and what do you do? You take her to do list as well. I tried to get into my usual morning routine today which isn't too hard this time of the year since I seem to wake up when it gets light outside. But that happened early today! I might have to get better curtains for my bedroom window. Outside everything was in different gray tones. And a little yellow. The road was yellow somewhere. And one house. Apart from that there was gray snow everywhere. The wind from west was blowing the snow over the ground like in the middle of the winter. But, I and dog ran a route I think is 8 kilometers. Or something like that. We might start running the big circle in the morning. The one that is 14 kilometers. Oh... the weather will be allowed to get a little better before we do that. I look forward to get home from work today and lay down a little.
And a few days later again:
14 kilometers in the morning without a hair band, just a buff to keep the hair from the face result in an afro. Especially in a gray weather like yesterday. And Arcade Fire is the best running music I have found so far.
This is so much fun! I just realized that I have run more than 10 kilometers average a day in april. And my tiny little pink iPod is genial.
May 1st 2007.
No, but now there is a new month coming and last months report is due. As I recall I said something about running 200 kilometers in April, but I did far better than that. 307 kilometers. But not 5 kilos, only two and a half or something like that. But that is just fine. It is so much easier to run several hundreds of kilometers than to loose weight. OK. I might as well set the goal at ten marathons in may and one of them in one day. And to get down to what I think is my ideal weight which isn't far away anyway. And register for the race. Avoid sweets of all kinds. That one isn't difficult.
But this wasn't always easy. Sometimes in late July I wrote:
I am sitting here wearing running outfit, trying to decide if I go outside before breakfast or after breakfast. I was reading a book. I would most of all like to continue sitting here reading the book. But that isn't an option. It isn't raining right now. But it could start in a while. I might go down to the cellar and get a proper running t-shirt that hangs on the clothing line down there. I really do not feel up to running out there. But, if I wait it probably will start raining before I go. It is cold outside.
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