Saturday, January 28, 2012

Freeze Your Thorns Off 5k

I decided to take part in the Boring Runner's Freeze Your Thorns Off 5k
Well.. It is January and I promised myself last winter that I wouldn't freeze my butt off again running like crazy outside during wintertime.  I would only run slowly and only if I wanted to.  And I wanted to participate in this fun game :)

This morning I was awake when the papers arrived and I thought I would be a good mom and let my son enjoy his teenage dreams a bit longer this Saturday morning and I decided that my 5k today would be his paper route.  At least the distance would not be far from 5k.
I must admit I had some second thoughts when I saw how thick the papers were, 250 grams, which makes 110 of them 27,5 kilos.  Quite heavy.  And you have to go all the way up steps and down to dark cellars to get to peoples front doors and make sure the paper is all the way in.  No throwing around with the papers, and on this route no one has a postbox by the street.

The weather today isn't as cold as yesterday, in fact it is 10°C warmer today than yesterday, which means the snow is melting and there is wet ice on the streets.  There is no way getting around reasonably safely without spikes.

I didn't see a living soul out there.
I decided I would be content with any speed faster than walking speed and I think my time 54:24 is pretty good all things taken into consideration.

The kid is still sleeping. And probably will be until noon.